january 23-30, 2002
greenbelt cinema 1, makati city
metro manila, philippines

















































Filmless   Films


short  film  competition


1. Submit your original short film/s to FILMLESS FILMS, Unit E, 2nd Floor, 21 Kamias Road, Quezon City, Metro Manila. 

2. All themes, genres, and formats are accepted. Each entry must not exceed twenty minutes and should be in a separate VHS tape.

Entry Form

with VHS copy of short film, max. 20 minutes

1. Film

(check one)

___ fiction          ___ documentary      ___ experimental

___ animation        ___ dance film             ___ music video

___ children's film  ___ others: ________________________


original title: ___________________________________________

english title: ____________________________________________

language: _________________________________________________

place of production: ______________________________________

year of production: _______________________________________

prizes: ___________________________________________________

festivals: ________________________________________________

running time: _____ min _____ sec

original format: __________________________________________

sound (check one): ___ mute ___ mono ___ stereo

color (check one): ___ colored ___ black&white


2. Director

name: _____________________________________________________

company/school: ___________________________________________

address: __________________________________________________

phone: ____________________________________________________

fax: ______________________________________________________

email: ____________________________________________________


3. Cast, Crew

screenplay: _______________________________________________

editing: __________________________________________________

music: ____________________________________________________

animation: ________________________________________________

cinematography: ___________________________________________

principal cast: ___________________________________________


brief synopsis: ___________________________________________





              4. Promotional Programmes

                                         Do you authorize our festival:

to show your work on TV?                 ___ yes ___ no

to show your work on the Internet?              ___ yes ___ no

to include your work in the video anthology? ___ yes ___ no


4. Agreement To Participate

name, phone, fax, email: __________________________________



date, signature: __________________________________________

Copyright © 2001 .Mov: The 1st Philippine Digital Film Fest and Filmless Films. 
 All Rights Reserved.